
Hello again. Its 1 am now. I happened to be awake. And thought I should write as my personal reference later. So today I had an amazing feelings ever. We went for a second scan. And the result was so mashaAllah. Beyond amazing. We both was starstruck in awed when we saw the baby moving like jitters. And the sonographer said “wow Baby active” like seriously theres a baby inside my tummy... moving... like are you for reaaaaaaaal! Haha. Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah. The last scan was like a bit “dull” and I know my husband was a bit like fishy because the ultrasound was only a small sac. And suddenly now theres like a legit baby moving haha! Because we thought I am only like 8 ish weeks or less. So we didnt expect much. But turns out it was good. And we only paid for 20 ringgit! Good bargain! This Poliklinik Az Zaara is the bombb! So yea, I guess that explained why Ive been feeling nauseated few weeks back. Till again!


Word Hello everyone, what does word mean to you whenever the word "word" pops out? Well its a noun and a verb that required in every sentence. We use thousands of "words" in our daily lives. So I just got the idea to improve my vocabulary and to fill some free time by playing word search games! So, in each round of the game there will be new words that I don't even know existed. So what I do is, I will screenshot and later on I will search for the meaning. This is a good option too if you have kid/younger siblings/cousins or anyone. With that you're giving the opportunity to learn something new 😁 Below are the examples of my word search screenshot: Try it yourself!  xx, writer